Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

Tempo Sports Rehab is located off the Monon Trail in downtown Carmel, Indiana, inside of Dugan Sports Performance at 401 Industrial Drive, Carmel, Indiana 46032.

Do you take my insurance?

Tempo Sports Rehab is an out-of-network provider; however, we can provide you with a receipt for you to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement if applicable. Standard rehabilitation clinics via insurance model often offer only short 20-30 minutes visits and clinicians are likely double-or triple-booked. At Tempo Sports Rehab you will always have exclusive 1-on-1 patient care for your full appointment. This means faster results and less total visits to get you back to 100%.

Which package is right for me?

The packages are made to decrease cost for those looking for continuous maintenance treatment or recovering from an acute injury. If you have questions about what package you may need, Jacob is available to discuss your options and give a personalized recommendation. Each package will have a unique code and count your visits for you.

What are my payment options?

We accept all major credit cards, HSA, and FSA. All payments are processed through Square.

How should I prepare for my first visit?

Wear athletic clothing, as your first visit will likely include many different assessments to get to the root cause of your injury. After a detailed evaluation, we will build a program of corrective exercises to get you back on track. Please arrive 5-10 minutes early to fill out required paperwork.